The Simplicity Found in Cosmos


Logarithmic radial photo of the universe by Pablo Carlos Budassi, Wikimedia Commons. The spectacular illustration features our solar system at the very center, followed by inner and outer planets, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, Perseus Arm, Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, nearby galaxies, Cosmic Web, Cosmic microwave radiation and Big Bang’s invisible plasma on the edge.

The most acclaimed drawing of the cosmos and how the discovery of the magical Higgs particle – also called the God particle transformed the physicists’ view of the beginning of the universe

Musician Pablo Carlos Budassi has decided to make a simple drawing of the cosmos for his son’s birthday. In doing so, he used the logarithmic maps of the physicists, the photographs taken by Nasa and his photoshop application. The contemporary physicists, having acclaimed this picture, marked it as the simplest up-to-date illustration of the cosmos. In the center lies the sun and the solar system surrounded by our galaxy. With Perseus and Andromeda nearby, all other galaxies are englobed by the Cosmic Web.

Budassi’s image plausibly resembles the pupil of the human eye wherein the reflection of the micro universe can be seen.

Neil Turok, the physicist known with his research on “before and after the Big-Bang” states that in spite of the numerous complicated theories regarding the beginning of the universe; it may in fact be the simplest thing we can know. He brings forth evidence from the huge collision experiment conducted at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), Switzerland, in 2012 :

… The most complex machine ever constructed by humankind is the Large Hadron Collider. It is the most powerful accelerator which boosts particles to a speed close to that of light.

When the big experimental collision in CERN, Switzerland was inducted by this collider in 2012; it resulted in the historic discovery of the particle – the Higgs boson that mediated the mass-giving Higgs field.

It was discovered that all particles take on mass and existence through the medium of the Higgs boson, which is identified as the simplest type of particle by the Standard Model of physics.

The Higgs boson is explained :

You and everything around you are made of particles. But when the universe began, no particles had mass; they all sped around at the speed of light. Stars, planets and life could only emerge because particles gained their mass from a fundamental field associated with the Higgs boson.

Following this pivotal discovery, physicists confirmed that it (creation) has all started from one point, and thus it is very likely that the geometry of cosmos will be explained with a single number and a particle smaller than an atom.

Neil Turok states:

We may need to transform the way we view the universe. But this will require a revolution in physics, a revolution possibly as historic as Einstein’s realization that space and time are one of the same thing when he pioneered his ground-breaking theory of general relativity.

Einstein himself foretold a hundred years ago :

In order to solve the mystery of creation, the eye of the physicist should look for what really is out there, not what he thinks there should be.

Duygu Bruce

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