If the Artificial Intelligence, A.I. is coded with univeral values of ethics, it will be safe and will be on our side. …
Year: 2020
As the legend goes, life began with the sound of Gabriel's wings which were wide enough to cover the world. …
Avicenna, the polymath renowned with ancient wisdom of medicine, Greek philosophy and mystical Islam, a man of sacred knowledge and curing methods …
We are confined within the limits of our knowledge of the natural world, and yet we strive toward knowledge, always more knowledge… Yet we cannot ever think that we know everything. Knowledge advances yes, but it is like an island surrounded by the ocean of the unknown. “As the Island of Knowledge grows so does the shore of our ignorance.” We are actually confronting the mystery of who we are. …
Boris Cyrulnik articulates that human evolution takes place only in crises. "When the epidemic is over, we will see that we will have dusted off old values that will help us to develop a new way of living together. There will be profound changes, this is the rule." …
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn. –David Whyte “One wonders only when he is alone, and seeks the truth, ” said Einstein. The great thinker Goethe said that creative inspiration comes only when he is alone. Winnicott, one of my favorite psychologists, defines “the capacity to stay on his own” as a crucial indicator of child development. H.D. Thoreau, the notable American philosopher and nature lover proclaimed that he made his spiritual discoveries during his walks in nature. He wrote in Walden that being on his own in nature provided him …
In his new medicine of the soul, Ostad Elahi indicates that in the conscious level where the ego resides, there is a deeper layer where one can find inner guide. This inner guide speaks in the voice of conscience, which is the germ of sound reason and inspires us to take the correct course of thought and action in our decisions. …
But already my desire and my will Were being turned like a wheel, all at one speed, By the love which moves the sun and the other stars. – Dante Nietzsche said, “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” In his reasoning between love, life and madness he finds his resolution : to live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. Simone Weil (1909-1943), the renowned French philosopher and activist with outstanding intellectual gifts describes the essence of love in Gravity and Grace : …
In her heartening story, Amy Cuddy speaks about how she reconstructed her body language and her thinking at the turning points of her life, and how it reaffirmed her presence in the world. You can watch below.
Love is really the only thing we can possess, keep with us and take with us when we depart. Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004), in her pioneering work with patients nearing the end of their lives in palliative care, interviewed them on their feelings about life and death, and how they measure the life they lived. The results of her work proclaim that the patients unanimously express their emotional state as “yearning for love,” a shield needed against the fear of death, and the measure of the degree of inner peace and contentment they savor at the end of their life …
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