The Story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Daniel, the pious sage, master interpreter of dreams and seer lived in Mesopotamia at the time when Babylon and Ancient Persia were reaching the heights of civilization (circa 700 – 500 BC).  He was an upright man distinguished with his unwavering faith in God and courage among his kindreds many of whom worshipped kings and deities. His exemplary life and deeds became the subject of the Book of Daniel written in that epoch.

The tale recounts that the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, having heard about Daniel’s unequaled giftedness, summoned him to the palace. Thereupon Daniel was obliged to serve in his court, to interpret his dreams, predict the future of Babylon, and to sooth the King’s worries.  However, he refused to drink and eat the food served in the palace for he believed that the King’s food would be corrupted. His unrelenting fasting and faith compelled the king to liberate him but all the while he continued to exploit Daniel’s endowments.

Thereafter, Daniel’s predictions about the collapse of Babylon had come true : Persia, under the command of Darius won the war against Nebuchadnezzar and overthrew him.

Darius, having certitude in the truth of Daniel, appointed him to a supreme status in his court. He called upon his integrity, righteousness and foresight in matters concerning the governance of his kingdom.

The other high ranking administrators and executives of Darius fueled by jealousy, decided to set up a conspiracy against Daniel to discredit him. Despite all efforts, they could not find any solid cause that would bring charges on him, for he was a righteous man devoted only to God.

Finally they crafted a plot using the law, claiming that the law of Daniel’s God is contradicting the law of Darius. They forged a context so as to defend the King’s ultimate power and sanctity against any imaginary faith in another being mightier than the king. They managed to convince the King to sign a deceitful decree to protect the so-called interests of the people and to keep the order in society. The charge of blasphemy was thus brought upon Daniel who did not renounce praying to his God nevertheless. He was doomed as a threat to public interest and the conspirators announced that Daniel should be thrown into the lions’ den.

Darius, in spite of his agony and regrets, could not repeal the law. The entire scenario looked like an immutable divine order. Daniel awaited in the den with courage and dignity, entrusting his end to God.

At the first light of dawn Darius ran to the lions’ den. He saw in awe that Daniel’s God has saved him from the lions. Daniel said :

My God sent angels to seal the mouths of the lions, none of them touched me. I am innocent before God and before you Majesty.

Darius ordered the guards to release Daniel and instantly placed the conspirators of Daniel in the lions’ den. He announced a superseding verdict that there is one God sovereign above all beings. It is the God of Daniel, the all-powerful and merciful one. He watches over and protects whom he deems right just as he saved Daniel.


Duygu Bruce


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