“Resilience across writing is a good way to get out of the fog and light up your life” says Boris Cyrulnik, neuropsychiatrist and writer, having lost both his parents at the age of five, is a living model of how one develops resilience and can overcome the major dramas of life. When the word “resilience” was first used in physics it referred to a body’s ability to absorb an impact. Transformed to the human psyche, it is the capacity to transcend from traumatic experiences. Brené Brown defines resilience as a character quality “ it is how we fold our …
Category: Psychology
The childhood of the human race is far from over. We have a long way to go before most people understand that what they do for others is just as important to their well-being as what they do for themselves. – William T. Powell “Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it and practice diligently day by day,” says Karen Armstrong, the pioneer of Charter for Compassion. Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of emotional intelligence, writes that “true compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.” Daniel …
On the interplay of well-being, happiness and resilience Well-being is commonly defined as a state of being healthy and happy. Contemporary psychology adds “resilience” as an indispensable component of happiness. The word initially used in physics defines body’s ability to absorb an impact. Resilience is featured as the preparedness to transcend challenges. It is the inner force which uplifts the person after a failure, defeat or a disappointment. Resilience empowers us to continue on whatever our pursuit is in life. The eminent neuropsychiatrist and writer, Boris Cyrulnik known with his lifetime work on resilience describes it as a process : …
People like to wonder, and this is the kernel of science. – Ralph Waldo Emerson The story of two comrades who went to war and the near death experience of one of them During the Second World War, the Austrian poet and writer Karl Skala (1924–2006), went to Russia with his troops. He and his comrade, Hannes, caught under artillery fire, took refuge in a fox inn. Hannes got hit and died there. Skala recounts that heavily wounded as he was, he experienced that they were both rising up high in the sky, and found themselves looking at the battlefield …
Karen Armstrong’s reward winning TED Talk on golden rule of becoming compassionate and its intrinsic rewards, you can watch here : You can read more on compassion here: Seeking Small Acts of Goodwill
Greek philosophers and Rumi on how to keep the soul happy What makes us happy ? When and how are we happy ? Where ? With whom are we happy ? Such questions about happiness are asked at least once in a lifetime. We do evaluations and measurements of our happiness; occasionally we may reach a conclusion : somewhat happy, sometimes happy, more or less happy in the past, at present, or will be happy in the future… We get to remember the times we were at the peak or we may fantasize a possible future happiness. Sometimes we measure …
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