A Poem from the Divan of Hafez

  A flower- tinted cheek, the flowery close Of the fair earth, these are enough for me – Enough that in the meadow wanes and grows The shadow of a graceful cypress tree. I am no lover of hypocrisy; Of all the treasures that the earth can boast, A brimming cup of wine I prize the most – This is enough for me ! To them that here renowned for virtue live, A heavenly palace is the meet reward; To me, the drunkard and the beggar, give The temple of the grape with red wine stored! Beside a river seat

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A Spring Poem by Hafez

The days of absence and the bitter nights Of separation, all are at an end! Where is the influence of the star that blights My hope? The omen answers: At an end! Autumn’s abundance, creeping Autumn’s mirth, Are ended and forgot when o’er the earth The wind of Spring with soft warm feet doth wend The Day of Hope, hid beneath Sorrow’s veil, Has shown its face –ah, cry that all may hear: Come forth! The powers of night no more prevail! Praise be to God, now that the rose is near With long-desired arid flaming coronet, The cruel stinging

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