Legend of Poinsettia

Pepita was a young girl who lived in a small Mexican village. Her parents were poor farmers barely able to feed their family. When Christmas was near, they both fell ill, and it was up to Pepita, the eldest, almost 9 years old, to take care of her little brother and sister, and to maintain the household. In the village church, the nativity scene of the newborn Jesus was set up for Christmas. It was the traditional Christmas Eve procession, where the whole village went to church, candles in hand, singing hymns. The villagers were bringing gifts to place before

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Story of the Seven Sleepers

    “Those who compared our lives with a dream were right. We were sleeping awake and waking up asleep. ” –Montaigne   It was many years ago that an elderly local recounted this tale while we were touring Ephesus, Turkey on a beautiful spring day. Though I would find out more about this story in the years to come, the way he recited it on that day left an indelible mark in my memory. There were seven young people who lived at the time of the Roman emperor Decius ( 250 AD) and who were of the same conviction.

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